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Welcome to the website for the

Chichester Diocesan Evangelical Fellowship


The Chichester DEF website in currently under construction and is not yet displaying all information. We ask that you would please be patient with us as we sort this out.

In the mean time if you have any questions please feel free to contact us.


The CDEF has existed for over 100 years to bring together evangelicals within the Diocese of Chichester,
​so that we may be more effective in extending the Kingdom of God in Sussex. 

We do this by:


Representing the views of evangelicals to the bishops and diocesan staff


Encouraging evangelicals to stand for election to synods and to diocesan boards and committees


Providing a safe place for dialogue between evangelicals of different traditions, so that we may hold together on essentials


Holding meetings where clergy and laity meet together to consider issues of common interest and to encourage one another

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